Monday, October 11, 2004

They are just too bored...

My stupid co-worker so bored that they are "fighting" for who get the most bodily injury. First, he fell off his byke and dislocate his jaw which end up surgery and liquid diet for 6 weeks. Then he continue to "score" by infected his cutted hand which also land him in surgery due to the infection. After that, she twisted her ankle which given order to have a few days of hospital stay with all kind of scans. After that, another one crush some bone on her big toe when she smash hers to the coffee table which also land her for some hospital stay. May be they all make much more then I do, so that they have to do their hospital stay as for my case. Got my finger cut, all they do is stunt me without anestic/pain killer and send me home with stinking blood still gushing down my arm. Go figure!!!


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