Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Poor child...

She really does not deserve to have such good baby at all. She's pratically a child hater. She even hate her own self when she's a kid. But of course, she have to have an extremely fast and easy labor. Her hubby take care of all the baby caring stuff. She doesn't even do a single day of breastfeeding at all.

And the of course at work she was on the edge of lossing her job but turn out she actually gain a title promotion. Now, she only work 1/2 day in the office and 1/2 day at home. Why is life so good to such nasty bitch like her, go figure!

Monday, September 27, 2004

What happen to color text?

I used to have the color text when creating post. Now I don't see that option any more. What happen, I wonder???

Thursday, September 23, 2004


She learned so quick or just common sense.

She's holding on her sister's glasses and having all the joy with it. Then she notice her mom's badge. As her mom looking at her, she hold out the glasses while reaching out with her other hand for her mom's springy cord badge for an exchange. What a concept either she already learn it or just a simple common sense which came naturally to her.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Another day another ?? day

Wonder if I should talk directly to my boss. I have about 3 days to mow all about it since he's out 3 days to seattle till next monday. I suppose technically, I can mow all over it during the weekend also. So, should I or shouldn't I...

1. Each time I "confront" to him, it's a total wash or lost cost. I can't even recall once that I can call even or I'll be ahead.

2. Need another mouth to voice up for me self.

3. But can't see his first front reaction, how would I feel how bad it really was.

He really think he put me in the corner or wide open on the table in our staff retreat... asking " so what are you going to do as what ever I assign you to you, it's not even part of the department mission." What am I suppose to say, "may I quit and find a hole to hide." Last retreat, he put K on the spot. And this round it's me! Whoopie do lucky me. I am just working for peanuts here! Waiting for someone to retire so that I be able to step up or replace his slot. But do I have the time to wait for him. It's almost like hitting the lottery, I just might have a better chance to wish for some terriorist strike on seattle and hit my boss while he's there. Or he gotten some heart attack during his flight over or back. Or his plan crash while he's on it. Or or what's the chance that his hotel have a fire and he's trapped inside, can't get out. Oh all those possibiltiy. IF only I can wish that to come true. But but but, does it help?!?

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Work... what a concept!

Just got done with an extremely stupid department retreat. Just about the only good thing is the fact that got a free lunch. Have to squeeze some benefit out of it. My stupid boss even name my name "on the table" of no idea how I fit in to his department mission statement. Like I'm suppose to disappear or find a corner to hide or something. Rest of staf asked him over and over why have me do what I do, but not putting a word on our department mission statement. And he just mumble, "just because..." And then turn around and ask me if I have any problem with that. Like hell I don't, but since he keep insist what he want, I'm just following like a dog...that's all! What more you want stupid SOB!

Therefore, work is really like just a concept for me. So long he didn't find a reason to fire me, he have to just keep me on the payroll. And I'll just busy doing my blogging and draw my pay. Why the hell not!

What a drag!!!

She really can't decide what she want. Goodness sake! Put all 3 on then in, she said! But then again, good that she talking about the Macs, else it's going to be even crabby for PC to do a multiple boot. Still, she given me way way too much work. Wonder if she'll give me something "sweet" afterward. Know what I mean, he! he!


Didn't even realize it was 1990 then. Kool Tiny Toon Adventure worth coming home early!

Plugged in

My friend forwad this to me. Martin Plugged in.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Monday today

Could that really be so bad on Mondays? It sure is for me today. Everything I ran have stupid error messages. In general I am not that bothered, I think, with those damn messages. But somehow, today, it just really gets me and driving me off the wall. More damming, it's not even 11a or lunch time yet. Such a long long way till 5p.

found this on the web