Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Goodness huge nearly 14 pounds

Huge baby girl born 3 weeks early in WI

Lost #1

What a weekend!!! In a way, it's good the knowing #1 know to "ask for help" or may be the store people just came ask to offer help. But #1 just way too trusting. Especially to those place we went and familiar. Lost the sense of in need to be around us.

Or may be this bathroom business have to stop soon. I once had a friend that have to do bathroom everywhere he go outside his home. At home, he doesn't nearly have to go as much. But every each place or store or resturant or visiting friends and relative, he have to "check out" their bathroom. And I thought that was annoying. Lo and behold, now it's my own kids turn. Goodness!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Jordan to earthlings: Anita Mui

Monday, June 13, 2005

Next Blog button

Goodness, how this next blog button work at all? It's definitely not what I would call random. Or random with a very unrandom sense. Some blogs just keep coming up as I hit it. Especially those slow loading once. So annoying!

And I never ever seen any of my friends. Or those that I thought pretty nice only came up once in a full moon. What gives?!?!?!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Damn it

Can't get the C600 to boot. It won't even boot to the miniCD. I suppose or don't you suppose the battery just might be totally dead??

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Reminder have to help out with a class for my co-worker. Such fun!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bring your own drink

Got a potluck at our office ... just because! But need a reminder self to bring our own drink! More headache is what to bring that dish to share. May be need go to groc store see what I can pick up already made.

Sometimes, really hate it! If not bringing, then not an incrowd. If bring, what to bring! It's not even any kind of exciting special potluck with a theme. Just my stupid office people are all fat and only reason to go to work is to eat this here and eat that there!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Not me

Well! It never fail. It seems that each time when I asked my co-worker for lunch. There's are at least 2-3 others also coming. I guess I'm just not going to ask that co-worker for lunch any more.

It just that I really hate a simple lunch conversation became work meeting like lunch. Can't get away from lunch any more.