Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Right of way on the hallway

Is there such thing just like automobile on the road? One "lane" hallway, who is suppose to go first? What to decide with? How to decide?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a very nice and patient person. I always let others go first unless told otherwise. Kind of like "ladies first" when at any road walking.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do! Of course I got the right of way... all the time, silly :-)

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know not such a thing to be right of way for pedestrian. Why do you think so many jay walker, doh!?!

I wish there is traffic rules for pedestrian also. Some days, I swear that those people walked in herds or big groups really pisses me off. They so totally blocked the whole hallway or what's not. Either they all walk so painfully slow and don't bother to leave a little gap for whoever behind them. Or some day, they swamp face-to-face to opposite direction like they are out to kill whoever walked opposite to them. So scary!!! No cuirtosy what so ever at all. Damn those crowd!!!

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rules are nice, but I prefer people just start out being nice will not even need rules. Just be courtesy! But how many real people are that way, we'll be lucky the next person is not just out to get you. Blame the society, I just believe people are meaner and meaner when we have more things to fight for.

8:01 AM  

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